“Stories from Snowy Lands” by Sparky’s Puppets
Saturday, January 10th at 11am & 2pm
Arlington Center for the Arts
Tickets $7; 3 for $20, cash at the door
(may be reserved by emailing [email protected] or calling Margaret at (781) 643-1228
The warmest way to spend a January Saturday is with Sparky’s Puppets. Watch a snowman come to life, then giggle at the antics of an ice-fishing bear in “Stories from Snowy Lands.” Sparky’s gentle humor appeals to children as young as 3 and keeps their parents and grandchildren laughing too. Come for the show; stay for puppet-play and coffee.
Sparky Davis has been performing favorite children’s stories for schools, libraries and festivals throughout New England for more than 30 years. Each of her shows features colorful hand puppets and plenty of audience participation.
“Stories from Snowy Lands” is the third show of this winter’s Saturdays with Puppets series of fine puppetry for families at Arlington Center for the Arts. Still to come:
“Monkey Makes Mischief in Heaven” by Galapagos Puppets
Saturday, February 14 at 2pm
“Cow and Mouse’s Picnic” and “Mathilda’s Bath” by Galapagos Puppets
Saturday, March 14 at 2pm